Earth from space.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day promotes environmental awareness and mindfulness. However, it provides much more than a reminder to recycle. The holiday can promote the environmental good that has been made and can teach individuals how to be environmentally friendly. 

Continue reading to learn more about Earth Day and its contributions to environmentalism.


Earth Day first acted as an environmental movement against pollution and as a call for environmental action in 1970. According to the official Earth Day website, Senator Gaylord Nelson came up with the movement after witnessing pollution spills and other environmental concerns. The Environmental Protection Agency, an independent agency, states that “Nelson created the holiday as a way to force this issue onto the national agenda.” They add that “Twenty million Americans demonstrated in different U.S. cities” through marches and protests. Overall, the goal of the holiday was to teach the general population about the harmful impacts of pollution and health concerns. After fifty years, how is the holiday preserved in the present?

Earth Day in the Present

Currently, the holiday carries the legacy of Nelson and his pursuit of educating and encouraging environmental action for a cleaner world. In addition, activists and environmentalists continue educating others about the world’s current climate. National Geographic, a non-profit science and exploration organization, cites organizations such as Earth Day Network (EDN) for their significant work in teaching and improving sustainability. National Geographic states that EDN “pursues this mission (healthy sustainable environment) through education, public policy, and activism campaigns.” The holiday is a chance to teach individuals how to recycle or support positive environmental laws properly. The holiday has continued to serve its purpose since its inception.

How to Participate

Earth Day encourages action and education, but individuals can learn how to prevent further waste through bills, community services, and more. The official Earth Day website has a dedicated action page for increasing sustainability through cleanup opportunities, petitions, planting trees, and more. In addition, the site promotes community interaction and sustainability through individual leadership and changes. Overall, the day helps individuals and communities come together to continue working on maintaining a healthy, clean, and sustainable planet.


Earth Day’s goal is a cleaner environment and continues to encourage individuals to take positive environmental action. Senator Gaylord Nelson understood that preserving the environment was necessary and created Earth Day to help preserve Earth for generations. As a result, Earth Day continues to carry Nelson’s legacy and inform others how to care for the planet.

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