Two people playing a game on a playstation.

Video Games and Exercise: Where they Connect

Video games have often been on the flip side of sports. Most people see it as one or the other, as video games typically don’t involve much full-body movement, and sports usually don’t involve screens. However, some video game developers have combined the two to create games that encourage exercise. 

Keep reading to learn more about video games and exercise. 

Sports Games

People take inspiration from all kinds of media, and the same is true for sports video games. Many popular games cover different sports, like the NBA 2K series (basketball), Madden (American football), and FIFA (soccer/football). A study by The Sport Journal, a journal that covers sports-related events and topics, concluded that college students who played sports video games reported that they felt more connected to that sport. 

Sports games can help people learn the rules, professional players, and teams and communities with similar interests in the sport. Playing sports video games can inspire players to try the sport for themselves in real life. 

Movement-Based Games

Workout equipment on a table.

Other video games take a more literal approach. With the development of gaming consoles and VR, video games that rely on exercise as a game function are growing in popularity. For example, games like Beat Saber, Just Dance, and Wii Sports all require some sort of physical movement to play the game. Motion sensors and remotes allow players to sync their movements with the games and find themselves exercising and gaming simultaneously. 

The Future of Exercise and Gaming

As gaming platforms develop, the future of exercise through gaming and sports games is bright. According to Statistica, an intelligence platform, there have been around 5.73 billion sports game downloads in 2023. That number is expected to grow in the next four years. Gaming technology, like virtual reality, continues to develop further, paving the way for future movement-based games. 


Gaming and exercise are often not associated with one another, but the two align more closely than one might think. Certain video games can inspire an interest and teach players about certain sports. Some games even utilize exercise as a gaming mechanism to promote healthier gaming. Overall, gaming and exercise, specifically sports, are mutually beneficial assets to healthier living for gamers. 

To read more about video games and gaming, visit