Virtual reality, or VR has become popularized in the last few years. Games are often used to communicate with players online, but VR takes it a step further and allows your physical space to be replaced by a game simply by putting on a headset.
Though not used by the majority of the gaming community, VR still manages to emerge and gain attention through social media posts of others.
Older popular games soon started using VR as well, to gain a larger player base as well as to provide a different perspective as to playing on a console.

1. The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead, a TV show known for its apocalyptic themes has gained lots of traction for its portrayal of human interactions during seemingly end times. The characters try to fight and survive together against the invasive forces of the zombies. Prior to the release of a VR game, The Walking Dead has already released a plethora of games playable on multiple consoles. What sets The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners apart from all the other games is the immersive quality and realism of every detail, truly making the player think they are in a zombie apocalypse.
2. Beat Saber
Though not a combat based game, Beat Saber doesn’t fail in being an engaging game. Similar to rhythm mobile games, Beat Saber allows you to move your hand tracker according to the motion of the beat, making for smooth and fun gameplay. But when hitting one of these blocks in the wrong direction, it decreases the health bar. The difficulty also turns up when spike balls appear in the beat map, making it so when users hit one, it hinders their health. Beat Saber seems to be a mostly hands-on game, but since it is tracking your hands and your head, it includes the player’s head in order to beat the song. There are walls the appear before the player’s head in which they have to crouch to avoid, all while keeping up the momentum with the game.
3. VR Chat
VRChat became very popular around the time people were first learning of VR headsets. VRChat is an online world where users on the game can socialize, customize their avatars, and create new worlds. Similar to most games where you can talk to people, VRChat allows you to sit down and talk with people in a non-gaming environment. When people create worlds, it could be curated towards a like group of people or for hosting an event. The game allows people to feel relaxed in a game that almost doesn’t feel like a game.
The objective of VR is to give users an immersive experience in an animated world. No matter the game, just experiencing the new environment can be enough to have a good time.
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