Brain wearing headphones with music notes surrounding.

The Influence Of Music On Mental Health

Music comes in many different genres, languages, and moods. Music can influence listeners in many ways, some positive and others negative. It can be a welcoming tool when processing grief or a breakup. Alternatively, it can be inspirational when used to motivate or maintain focus. The important thing to note is that not all music affects everyone the same.

Continue reading to learn how music can be influential to mental health.

The Influence of Music

Music can be influential in many ways, such as inspiration, provoking strong emotions, or as a way to maintain focus. Music is a broad term for many different types, all of which can serve different purposes. For instance, protest music will encourage confidence and a desire for change. While music used to overcome a breakup may be sad, relatable to the circumstance, or as a way to assist in moving forward. Music can also provide influence over more extended periods as well.

Positive and Negative Influences

Consistent music listening may begin to impact positive or negative changes to one’s mental health. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), “Music acts as a medium for processing emotions, trauma, and grief.” The influence of music can depend on the individual’s dedication to using music as a beneficial tool and the length of time that has passed since the occurrence that caused the emotions, trauma, or grief.

If the emotions or event have been long-term, music could assist by redirecting certain negative emotions and allowing for better processing and potentially better memories. Alternatively, certain music may trigger negative memories or trauma, negatively affecting one’s mental health.

When an event has just happened, music isn’t always used in a way to move forward but allows for processing. As mentioned, it can be a tool for better understanding one’s emotions and allowing proper time to process and experience them. Just because someone isn’t happy while listening to music doesn’t mean it isn’t affecting them positively.

Woman crying while holding headphones


Music can provide many tools for managing stress, maintaining focus on a project, or even maintaining a schedule. In high-stress situations, usually, individuals require a break from the chaos surrounding them. Sometimes getting up and walking isn’t possible, but plugging some headphones in and escaping into a song can provide the needed break.

Music in the background can assist with maintaining focus as it distracts from other things that may be causing focusing difficulty. Aside from relaxation, and focus, music can assist with keeping to a schedule. Many create exercise playlists that serve as motivation while exercising and as a way to keep to a regular schedule by giving a better sense of time passed.


Music is available in many mediums, some with lyrics, others purely instrumental. The effects music can have on someone’s mental health vary significantly based on the genre of the song, the time passed since the event, or the length of time music has been used actively as a tool. While music often positively changes how one processes certain things, it can also bring back negative emotions and thoughts. It’s important to note that music isn’t a cure or a guaranteed success but rather a tool for better mental processing.

To read more about music and its influences, check out our site!