How to Protect Hair in the Sun

Summer is all about taking care of oneself. From using sunscreen to constantly fanning, people ensure they’re at their best state at all times. Hair typically isn’t considered in these conversations, but caring for it is just as important.

Keep reading to learn how to protect hair in the sun.

How the Sun Damages Hair

During summer, the sun can affect people’s hair. The same way UV rays affect skin is also applicable to hair.

When faced with high amounts of sun exposure, it can damage hair color. The sun’s rays reduce melanin in hair and result in either gray or lighter colored strands. While gray hairs are normal, too much sun advances the appearance of them.

Just as curling irons, straightening irons, and blow dryers apply heat to hair, the sun does this as well. Excess exposure leads to dry, frizzy, and brittle strands. It can also lead to breakage and split ends. Finding different ways to combat sun damaged hair can ensure it stays healthy all year round.

Image of girl with blonde hair standing in forest with arms up in front of sun.

Hair Masks

Prior to jumping into the pool this summer, make sure to come prepared with a hair mask. As chlorine in pools dry out and weaken strands, hair masks combat this. They consistently moisturize and replenish hair after chlorine exposure. After being in the water, people’s hair typically get stringy and tangled together. Thanks to the pre-existing hair mask, it makes combing through tangled easier than ever.

Hair Sunscreen

To protect hair from UV rays, hair sunscreen does the trick. It prevents color from fading and strands from facing damage. The sun’s rays affect all parts of hair, including the scalp. When unprotected, the scalp can face sunburn. If not using sunscreen, wearing a hat ensured an extra layer of protection to the strands and scalp.

Knowing different purposes and uses for hair care in the summer helps people to have strong hair. Depending on what activities people engage in, they can determine which is right for them.

For more informative articles, visit the Magic Feet website.