Roller skating has existed for nearly three centuries, during which time various skating styles were born. Each style ranges in purpose and …
What can be recycled? Anyone wanting to be more eco-friendly might want to recycle more than just plastic bottles. However, many factors …
Supporting the rights of LGBT, their friends and family
Established 1996. The First LGBT Organization in Orange County NY.
Black & Latin United Enterprise
Who Are We
- We are an organization for black and latin business owners.
Our Mission
- To empower, foster valuable connections and provide opportunities to membership to success through business.
- Assist policymakers with fostering an entrepreneurial environment that allows black and latin women to achieve their full economic potential.
- Engage policymakers to ensure equal access and priority to state contracts, as provided by MWBE laws.
- To assist with providing business training and resource counseling specific to black and latin entrepreneurs’ advancement.
Who Are We
- We offer support to aspiring women entrepreneurs or want-to-be..
- Develop an environment where members can increase market share in their industry.
- Develop programs and projects to promote the core mission of the organization.
- Provide opportunities to assist qualifying candidates with applying for minority and women owned business certification.
- Collaborate, stay connected, informed and up to date via the online community of black and latin women entrepreneurs.
- Partner with agencies, businesses centers and other business-creating opportunities which can benefit the membership.
Rainbow Elite
- To mirror with pride our community’s vibrant people. To celebrate the race/ethnicity, gender. AIDS/HIV status, disability status, gender identity, economic, educational, health status, and professional diversity.
- To promote coalition building, advocacy and community organizing activities. This will be achieved through networking of affiliations, and nurtured, connections among and/or between people and organizations committed to human and civil rights.