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3 Multiplayer Horror Games 

Do you want to play multiplayer horror games with friends? Finding a horror game that lets all your friends play is challenging, especially within the genre. These games offer a thrilling experience, and it’s even better when playing with friends. 

Keep reading for a list of the best 3 multiplayer horror games you can play with friends.

horror scary hands

1. Dead Silence

Dead Silence is a game you can play up to 1 to 4 players. This game is playable on Roblox, a game engine which hosts a variety of titles with free access with an account. Roblox makes it easy to play with friends.

The objective of the game is to investigate the legend of Mary S, who haunts the local town. Playing with friends adds to the fun and excitement with many jump scares and heart-racing moments. 

Playing Dead Silence, you and your friends will have to run and hide from the villain to not get caught, but don’t stay hidden for too long. Make sure you keep an ear open for the whispers coming from behind because if you don’t turn around, that’s the end of your game.

2. Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight is a popular multiplayer horror game with 5 players. The objective of Dead by Daylight depends on what role you are assigned. Within the game, there are two roles, a killer and survivor.

If you are a killer, it is your job to wipe out the other players and stop them from escaping. The survivor’s goal is to try and escape the map as you repair five of seven generators scattered throughout to gain power. When successful, the power will open the two exits on the map. 

Dead by Daylight has a unique quirk because of the various maps, killers, and survivors that can be played. Dead by Daylight will have your blood rushing as you and your friends try to complete the objective and escape the killer as they taunt and chase you around the map.

3. Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2 is an old but classic horror game with multiplayer that allows up to 4 players. The game is set in a zombie apocalypse that takes you through different cities from the deep South. The objective is that you and your friends are one of the four survivors going through the towns, going to various safe houses, and coming in contact with zombies and special infected.

The fun thing about Left 4 Dead 2 is there are different genres of gameplay. 

Some examples include:

  • Realism
  • Survivor
  • Versus

Playing the different gameplay genres, you and your friends can earn achievements. When playing the versus mode, someone can be the special infected and haunt the survivors as they make their way to the safe houses.

Left 4 Dead 2 is an interactive, thrilling game you can play with your friends and have fun killing zombies and the special infected.


Finding the best multiplayer horror games can be difficult, but now you know 3 great horror games to get you started. Check out those titles and share the fun with your friends.

Also, check out our Ferry Godmother Gaming World streamers play Dead By Daylight on Twitch or check out our website for more things gaming!